IAM568- Pharmacist Helps Others Lead and Serve Successfully

Corey Jahnke has been a community pharmacist for 30 years and 2-time Wal-Mart Pharmacist Of The Year. In an effort to help others become successful in leading and serving people Corey launched a side business that threw him deeply into debt and almost lost him everything including his marriage. Today, Corey is here to help our listeners avoid his mistakes and help them find the financial peace and wealth they truly deserve.
CEO Hack: Kajabi
CEO Nugget: Rich people are not the people we think they are, manage your expenses well.
CEO Defined: Responsibility for everything in your business
Website: https://www.coreyjahnke.com/
Instagram: coreywjahnke
FaceBook: https://web.facebook.com/cwjahnke?_rdc=1&_rdr
Twitter: https://twitter.com/cwjahnke?lang=en
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cwjahnke/
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