IAM141- Coach and Human Builder on a Mission to Bring Genuine Human Connections on Social Media

My mission is to connect, train, and evolve, with humans around the world by bringing humanity back to social media. After all, that’s all any of this is actually about — genuine human connection. To remind you that this life is yours, we’re all a little messed up and that’s okay, because you aren’t alone. Together we can truly make life happen for you.
CEO Hack: (1) My “human” is my business partner (2) Being grateful knowing everything you have now is enough
CEO Nugget: You don’t have it all together and that’s okay
CEO Defined: Being a leader not just a boss
Website: http://bemac.fit/
Instagram: http://instagram.com/bemacfit/Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/bemacfit/?_rdc=1&_rdr