
Attorney Turned Health Coach Helps Families Get Healthy Together

Michelle Gindi didn't had a unique path to become an entrepreneur and owner of her health and wellness business–Buddha Bowls & Burpees based out of Brooklyn, New York. Michelle used her background as an attorney and is building the foundation of a her health coaching business. She took some time out of her schedule and answered some questions about what led her to start her business, how she helps families become healthy and the good and the bad parts of being an entrepreneur.


Tell us about your background and what led you to start your business?
I never saw myself as owning my own business. In college, I majored in business and minored in accounting. I assumed I would work in some big corporate setting. I went on to law school to concentrate in corporate law. However, I wasn’t passionate about the career and opted to become a stay at home mom for a while. During this time, I had transformed my own health and worked on raising healthy kids. I was constantly being asked health questions by other moms. I had experience with picky kids and allergy kids.  A friend heard me talking to someone one day and told me I should just open up a business! There was definitely a void in the marketplace for real- life information on getting families healthy! I didn’t exactly know what my business would look like, but began to take it seriously and learn as much as I could.

Does your experience as an attorney help your business?

There are several ways that my experience as an attorney was HUGELY helpful in my business. First, I am able to research and self- study in ways that other people wouldn’t be able to dream of . I have dozens of books on my nightstand at any given time with little sticky notes everywhere! I've read books on health as well as marketing and creating a successful business. Law also gives you the ability to think “outside the box” which is a tool I use to stand out in the extremely competitive health field. I’ve created a niche that doesn’t exist that has huge demand and potential. My ability to talk and write both give me a leg up on the competition as well- especially considering I have a sizable Instagram and blog audience!

Tell us about your business and what you do?

As a new business, I give myself plenty of space to actually define “what I do”! I am an IIN certified health coach and at the core, my mission is to help families get healthy together. I basically do many things in order to accomplish this mission- I coach families and individuals on a one- on- one basis to get them to a path of good health. I run workshops and seminars to teach parents on how to work on their families’ health without causing an all- out rebellion in the household! I teach healthy cooking classes to adults and children to ignite a passion of health in our next generation. I volunteer in schools and community organizations. Plus, theres many more exciting things I have planned on the horizon!

How did you come up with your business name? 

My business name is basically poking fun at on the whole idea of health as we see it on social media. If you are an extreme health foodie, you would know that a buddha bowl is this elaborately arranged salad with various components. A burpee is a super tough workout where you have to jump back and do a pushup. My thinking was that people would perk up and ask what the name meant and it would be a way to explain that true health can be accomplished without fancy food or workouts. Sometimes it works and sometimes I get older women who shrug and say “I don’t get it.” The name is catchy for my Instagram though!

Where do you see your business in 3-5 years?

While being a new business is so exciting, there are so many things I have yet to iron out – I don’t understand anything my accountant says for instance! I can’t wait to push through the new business phase, so that I can hand out some of the boring work to someone else and keep developing high concept ideas for existing and new clients. I love reaching families 1-on-1 so I am working on a program that would work via Skype, where I can meet with families anywhere in the world! I am also in the process of stream lining the seminars so that I can bring amazing workshops to schools and communities across America. The next phase will be expanding on this idea that one person can truly make a difference in the world! I am also looking for people who align with my business ideas to collaborate and bring the topic of family health to the forefront.

Tell us about being an entrepreneur and what your day is like? 

Being an entrepreneur is both exhilarating and SCARY. I learned pretty early on that social media is a big deal these days and currently run an Instagram account with close to 15,000 followers. I engage with my online community constantly during the day, answering any questions my followers have. I also collaborate with numerous companies for product testing and reviews and part of my day is spent behind the scenes, testing products, writing up blog and Instagram posts. I also recipe test for good easy kid’s recipes so some time is spent in the kitchen as well. On days I have client appointments, I am generally on the road, where I meet clients in their homes in the tri-state area. Time spent in my car means that I am listening to Tony Robbins or another wildly successful entrepreneur trying to making my time meaningful as an entrepreneur.


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What's the thing you love about being an entrepreneur? 

I love being an entrepreneur because you feel like you have no limits to what you are able to dream up and accomplish! I have a distinct vision that the world is a better place because of my work, and this thought makes me push myself and work harder. There is no task I couldn’t do yet, with this thinking- I’ve worked on graphic design for brochures, I’ve created my website on my own which I am extremely proud of, I’ve done PR for my brand. I love learning that there is no limit to my abilities!

What's the one thing you hate about being an entrepreneur? 

Ideally, I’d love to be able to work on my brand and business 24-7. I am certainly capable of doing so. However, I have a family that I care about more than anything else, so I need to set and respect work- life boundaries. Especially since I work from home a lot, it is hard to balance my life and my work. The entrepreneur in me is always whispering into my ear “you have so much work to do” but sometimes I ignore it and go play Barbies with my daughters!

What does being an healthy CEO mean to you?

The amazing thing about my work is that I NEED to be the role model in order to be successful. That means I need to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night, just like I prescribe to clients. I need to manage MY stress in a way thats healthy and incorporate physical activity in my day. Because clients are looking for a role model to help them on my journey, I need to be diligent in my own health and self care. I am always testing new ideas and techniques on myself and my family in order to recommend to clients.

What's the best way for people to get in touch with you? 

I can be contacted easily through social media and my blog. My Instagram handle is @Buddhabowlsandburpees and my website is I am have a Facebook page Buddha Bowls and Burpees.


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