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IAM1886 – Consultant Helps Make the Healthcare System Better

Why it was selected for “CBNation Architects”:
In this episode, the featured guests are a married couple, Sandy Yong and Albert Ho, from Toronto. Both are authors and keynote speakers who support each other in achieving their goals.
In the episode:
Sandy Yong, the award-winning author of “The Money Master: Inside Secrets On How To Make Your Money Grow and Stay Safe”, discusses her zeal for helping female millennials enhance their wealth through wise investment decisions.
Albert Ho, often catering to the needs of healthcare sales professionals, shares his expertise in assisting these professionals to make $1 million in sales within one year.
The couple

See also  IAM1361 – Entrepreneur Launches Company to Help Women Who Suffer from Pelvic, Vulvar Pain

Listen to the full podcast. This is Originally posted here.


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