IAM1974 – How This CEO and Media Consultant Helps Contribute to the Media by Pushing an Effective Health & Wellness Agenda

Dr. Alexis Moreno is a consulting psychologist and founder of Wit & Reason. Passionate about the interplay between media, culture, and human behavior. She has decided to dedicate her consulting services to enhance media corporations and the creative workforce.
CEO Hacks: The League of Women Instagram: @theleaguewomen, Startup Creative Instagram: @startupcreative, Freakonomics Podcast – The Secret Life of CEOs: http://freakonomics.com/ceos/
CEO Nugget: Highly respect everyone in the organization
CEO Defined: The foundation of the company and completely invested in the company
Instagram @witandreason
Instagram @dr.a.moreno
Twitter @witandreason
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dralexismoreno/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/witandreason/
Previous Episode: https://iamceo.co/2018/04/24/how-this-ceo-media-consultant-helps-contribute-to-the-media-by-pushing-an-effective-health-wellness-agenda/
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