
Magic Johnson Talks Business & Entrepreneurship

NBA legend Magic Johnson sits down to talk business and entrepreneurship with UNINTERRUPTED CEO Maverick Carter. This exclusive conversation dives into how Magic got his start, who inspired him along the way, and what it means to become More Than An Athlete, now and in the future.

  • If you don't dream it, you can't become it.
  • Lean on your mentors.
  • When you get an opportunity, run with it.
  • We sometimes hurt ourselves because we think we can't achieve it or we don't want to do whatever it takes to be there.
  • Be prepared when the opportunity presents itself.
  • Save your money. Don't spend more than you make.
  • Do game changing deals
  • The same amount of time it takes to make a million dollars, it takes to make hundreds of millions of dollars.

See also  3 Things CEOs and Entrepreneurs Can Learn from NBA Rookie Andre Ingram


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