
Professional Dancer Becomes Massage Therapist [DMV CEO]

…Leslie Luckritz of Alexandria Massage Therapy was faced with one such unfortunate circumstance, “I was a professional dancer my whole life. I danced from the time I was two until I graduated from college. Right before I graduated from college, I had a massive trauma to my left knee. I was unable to walk so…no more dancing. When my knee went out I knew I would need to do something to make a living while I was dancing professionally and rehabbing my knee. I talked to a few of my professors and several of them were massage therapists. That’s how they made a living between auditions and they didn’t have to quit their job to go to auditions. I thought that would be an excellent fit. The course was going to be eighteen months and it was going to take my knee two years to heal. I thought at some point I was going to get back to dancing.”…

Excerpt from Professional Dancer Finds a New Calling after Injury [DMV CEO]

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